Tuesday, October 13, 2015

We're trying to keep Jenn up on what's happening here at the Cafe. Sometimes she good and sometimes she's not but she likes to hear.

They guys have mostly changed the headers on the combines and the picking heads are on.  It's real dry so everybody has to be careful about fires.  One year the paper had a picture of a combine charging out of a burning field like a scared rabbit.

When the guys can pick they aren't in here much unless its for a quick lunch or if they're waiting for combine parts or somebody to finish fixing them.  Corn isn't quite so bad for dirt, but the guys can really get grease all over them.

The old guys who are retired or as retired as a farmer ever really get sometimes talk about when people had horses and picked by hand.  There are almost none of those who actually did it now, but their boys come in sometimes and talk. Boys all right!  Most of them are in their 60;s.or so. There are still some guys who can get up a conversation in some other language.  It can turn into a regular United Nations or maybe disunited nations with some talking in Norwegian, some Swedes, some Danes, some Germans.  Then there are those who can get up a word or two.

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